‡ Act ‡

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Died or Injured as of this Minute (Avg)
In the U.S.

In New Mexico

Total firearm deaths 1999-2015


Why You Should Care

1. To Protect your Family, Friends, and Neighborhood

2. Because Gun Violence Costs You More than $700 per year

3. Because You Don’t want to raise Your Children amid violence

4. Because if you don’t act, nothing will change

What You Can Do Right Now

1. Call your State Representatives - Click Here

2. Call your City Councilor - Click Here

3. Support NMPGV - Click Here

If you would like to help, learn more or have additional information regarding victims in NM, please contact NMTPGV at NMTPGV@gmail.com.

There are more than 393 million civilian-owned firearms in the U.S.

Protest Poster

A Work in Progress: We are updating the website as quickly as possible, but due to restrictions on research into gun violence, this may take some time.

Our mission is to publicize and memorialize those that have died tragically from Firearm Deaths in New Mexico in the hope we can reduce the escalating gun violence here in our state.